Store a timestamp in IF


I working whit hc-sr04 sensors whit a rtc ds1302 clock all mounted on an Arduino Mega, my idea is when the sensor detect an object, show me a timestamp(hh:mm:ss) and keep it, then when object out of range, the timestamp variable(called hourIn) return to 0.

I was using Static variables but whit no success, maybe Arrays but i don't know how to use them here

Here's my code

#include <DS1302.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#define echoPin 12 // Echo Pin
#define trigPin 13 // Trigger Pin

time_t t = now();
DS1302 rtc(6,20,21);
Static String hourIn;

void setup()
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

void loop(){
    long duration, distance;
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);  
    digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
    duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
    distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;

   if (distance <= 4) { 
	hourIn = rtc.getTimeStr();
    else if (distance >= 5 || distance <= 0){
	Serial.println("Out of range");


I appreciate any help, thanks!

I think it easier to:

  1. detect the thing
  2. save the timestamp
  3. record in a bool isPresent = true.
  4. if the thing leaves the area, change isPresent to false

If you like, make the two variables Global

If you want to make them persistent if there is a power-loss, you can save them to EEPROM

time_t t = now();

If you think you know what time it is, why do you need to call this function with that time?


then when object out of range, the timestamp variable(called hourIn) return to 0.

Where do you make that happen? hourIn is a lousy name for a String variable that hold more than the hour that some event happened at.

I think it easier to:

  1. detect the thing
  2. save the timestamp
  3. record in a bool isPresent = true.
  4. if the thing leaves the area, change isPresent to false

If you like, make the two variables Global

If you want to make them persistent if there is a power-loss, you can save them to EEPROM

Sounds good and i dont need them pesistent, only keep it in the loop when IF is correct. Now i am not home for testing

If you think you know what time it is, why do you need to call this function with that time?

Your right, i forgot delete them cuz the original code is too long

Where do you make that happen? hourIn is a lousy name for a String variable that hold more than the hour that some event happened at.

Really, when is Else lost their If timestamp and get current time again