Storing a structure in a instantiated class

I'm trying to create a class library that works with network communications. I've created a structure and a class file in a header, and I'm trying to use that structure and class in my main sketch.

  HomeAssistantMQTT.h - Library for communicating with Home Assistant
#ifndef HomeAssistantMQTT_h
#define HomeAssistantMQTT_h

#include "Arduino.h"

struct NetworkInfo
  char* wifiSSID;
  char* wifiPassword;
  char* mqttServer;
  char* mqttUser;
  int mqttPort;

class HomeAssistantMQTT
    NetworkInfo network;

    int _pin;


I want to have a global variable in this class, so it needs to be instantiated outside of the setup or loop routines. In C# this would be a snap, but I'm missing something crucial here. I can't seem to declare hamqtt an instance of hamqtt, nor pass along the structure so the eventual classes will be able to use that info.

Everytime I add variables to my functions, I don't want to have to modify the constructors, but rather use a class which allows me to make changes in fewer places.

#include "HomeAssistantMQTT.h"
#include "Arduino.h"

HomeAssistantMQTT hamqtt();

void setup() {

  NetworkInfo network;

  network.wifiSSID = "mywifi";  // Your WiFi network name
  network.wifiPassword = "1234";  // Your WiFi network password
  network.mqttServer = "";  // Your MQTT server IP address
  network.mqttPort = 1883;

  //I Want to instantiate an instance of HomeAssistantMQTT and make it global in this class and store"network" info above

void loop() {
 //use hamqtt, it's functions, properties here.

I just ran your code (from the command line) and it works fine. ???

I ran this from the command line which may be closer to what you're trying to do.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "hamqtt.h"

NetworkInfo network;
HomeAssistantMQTT sdf;
HomeAssistantMQTT ghi;
HomeAssistantMQTT::NetworkInfo hamqtt;

int main() 
    network.wifiSSID = (char*)"mywifi";         // Your WiFi network name
    network.wifiPassword = (char*)"1234";       // Your WiFi network password
    network.mqttServer = (char*)""; // Your MQTT server IP address
    network.mqttPort = 1883;
    hamqtt.wifiSSID = (char*)"my2wifi"; = (char*)"my3wifi"; = (char*)"my4wifi";

    //I Want to instantiate an instance of HomeAssistantMQTT and make it global 
    // in this class and store"network" info above

    printf("%s\n", network.wifiSSID);
    printf("%s\n", hamqtt.wifiSSID);

/* Output
g++.exe -std=c++11 test.cpp -Wall -o test.exe
Process started >>>
<<< Process finished. (Exit code 0)
Process started >>>
<<< Process finished. (Exit code 0)


HomeAssistantMQTT.h - Library for communicating with Home Assistant
#ifndef hamqtt_h
#define hamqtt_h

struct NetworkInfo
    char* wifiSSID;
    char* wifiPassword;
    char* mqttServer;
    char* mqttUser;
    int mqttPort;

class HomeAssistantMQTT
    int _pin;
        typedef struct NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
        NetworkInfo network;


This code:

HomeAssistantMQTT hamqtt();

is not an instantiation of an object of the HomeAssistantMQTT class. It’s a prototype for a function that takes no arguments and returns a HomeAssistantMQTT object.

You want:

HomeAssistantMQTT hamqtt;

Also, your use of ‘char *’ variables in the NetworkInfo struct is problematic. It will allow you to change string literals in RAM and/or strand those literals if the pointer is changed. At the very least they should be ‘const char *’.

Even better would something like:

struct NetworkInfo
  char wifiSSID[20];
  char wifiPassword[20];
  char mqttServer[18];
  char mqttUser[20];
  uint16_t mqttPort;

Finally, this is not how you access a data member of an object:

network.wifiSSID = "mywifi";

In fact, your data members should be private and only accessible using a public member functions (i.e. set() / get())