Storing music on board, sending it to speakers via bluetooth.

Hey all,
I'm attempting to recreate the Emergency Party Button, but I'm getting stuck on the part of playing sound. The original creator says that he uses x10 appliance modules to play the sound through an always on computer, but I'd rather not keep an always on computer in my living room wasting energy. I can settle with keeping the bluetooth speakers being always on for other uses though.
I was thinking of using a standard duo board with a bluetooth transceiver and an SD card module containing music to cycle through. After powering up, the goal would be to scan for a bluetooth signal from the speakers, connect to it, and turn on an LED notifying successful connection. After that it would begin transmitting the songs stored on it to the speakers.
This seems like a feasible project, but I'd like to get some second opinions before I buy the extra parts. What all would I need (if I'm missing something or anything I got wrong) to make it possible?