Storing proximity sensor data

I'm currently a college student majoring in Computer Science, and I'll be using an Arduino for my Bachelor's thesis. This is my first time working with an Arduino, and unfortunately, it's not part of our university's curriculum, so I'm learning on my own.

My project is to develop a coin counting machine using proximity sensors to count specific coins. I've researched storage options but haven't decided yet. Here are the options I've found:

  1. Online real-time database (Firebase) - seems complicated and requires an ESP8266.
  2. Arduino's EEPROM - has limitations with the write cycle, so I'm unsure.
  3. SD Card Module - kind of my first choice.

I want a seamless storing mechanism that stores data in real-time when the sensor detects a coin. Any suggestions are welcome!

Is it allowed for a student to get outside help? If it is, that explains soooo much. I am 82 and things were different in my day.

The big question is how much data you need to store, how often you expect to find a coin and what you want to do with it after that.

  1. An Arduino EEPROM can have quite a long life if you don't write it like an idiot; wear levelling will also help to extend the life of the EEPROM.
  2. You can consider an external EEPROM (they can have a higher number of write cycles) or FRAM module; the latter has virtually unlimited write cycles.
  3. SD card has the advantage that it has a massive capacity and that you can remove it, stick in a laptop and present results using e.g. Excel LibreOffice Calc.
  4. You can consider to stream directly to Excel (if you use that and if it's an option); excel datastreamer or plxdaq.

It's a machine where I can pour bags of coins, and it counts them using a sensor. Basically, it's a continuous counting process. Can you narrow down the options?

Do you need storage? I asked what you wanted to do afterwards with the data and you happily omitted that information.

You probably did not even have a modem and BBS :smiley:

I got my first modem direct from Bell. A guy came to install it! A month later I was able to buy one and legally connect one (Hayes) I took the punch card that came with the $300 install fee into work (IBM) and punched every hole. Mailed it back and they called me. Long story short They cancelled the ridiculous install bill.

@aaj14 ,

Vandalising your topic is bad enough, the swearing you replaced it with got you the permanent suspension from the forum.

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