Strain Gauge

Please I want to ask you something about the strain gauge sensor

I have two questions:

1- what are T1 and T2 ?
2- how does the strain gauge practically sense the strain ? a voltage variation or resistance variation ?
3- in practice , the strain gauge sensor come in IC chip or what ?

A strain gauge is a flat resistor glued to a metal. If the metal bends, the resistor is stretched and the resistor value increases.

In that schematic, T1 and T2 are the strain gauges (the resistors). By glueing them to the opposite sides of the metal, one resistor decreases while the other one increases. This results into a bridge output that can be amplified with the opamp.

A "load cell" is a metal construction with strain gauges. It can measure weight. Open an electronic bathroom scale and you might find the load cells.

Are you sure that drawing is for strain gauges ? The opamps should amplifiy the DC level, but there is a capacitor of 10uF in the way.
Where did you find it ? on facebook ?

helpful info

I found this circuit yesterday while reading about sensors , i don't remember where exactly

Yes you are right !