Basically even when set to a solid color in Jinx!, the strip just displays a number of different colors and flicks between them in certain areas. I know it's not the strip because when I flash my arduino with a color picker or various effects the strip works fine and displays colors as intended.
I have attached screenshots of the output patch parameters and the current applied affect at the time that I recorded that (also attached) video clip. The effect is simply meant to display all LEDs as red. As you can see, it just decides to apply random colors. This is the same with the pretty effects. Part of the strip will display it correctly, but the rest of it will just do whatever it feels like doing. Below is the video:
Using an ESP32, wiring is simply data with 330ohm resistor to PIN 23, and power and ground coming from arduino. Again, this is not the strip as when applying colors directly via an arduino sketch, there is absolutely no issue and it works perfectly. The issue I believe is either with the sketch I am using for Glediator / Jinx! compatibility, or maybe the way I have set Jinx! up.
For clarification, about the first 50 LEDS on the strip light up the color they should when selecting a static color. The rest just does what it wants. Issue is not present when flashing a standard FastLED pattern to it. All LEDs light up as they should in that situation.
Here is the code from my .ino sketch:
#include <FastLED.h>
#define NUM_LEDS 300
#define DATA_PIN 23
#define CMD_NEW_DATA 1
#define BAUD_RATE 500000
void setup() {
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
int serialGlediator () {
while (!Serial.available()) {}
void loop() {
while (serialGlediator () != CMD_NEW_DATA) {}
Serial.readBytes((char*)leds, NUM_LEDS*3);;