Good day!
I actually have a strange effect when I plug my FTDI card.
My modules:
I do have an Arduino Mini Pro 3.3V and I am working with a Macbook Air.
My GPS module is a SIM968C
My Arduino use the pin 9,12,13 to power my GPS module.
Power process:
First the pin13 goes HIGHT to put hight the pin STDBYN of my GPS module. The STDBYN is pull down internaly.
40ms after, the pin 12 hoes HIEGHT and put a transistor in saturation to give 3.3V to pin GPS_VCC of my GPS module
Finally, 50ms the 9 goes HIGHT to put the pin GPS_RST hight. The GPS_RST is pull up internaly.
Arduino manager that process juste before leaving the setup loop.
AND THEN, the pin 56 of my GPS module (output), goes HIGHT and turn on a LED, called GPS_STDBYOUT.
May be, I can provide you a schema of my pins connection
GPS Powering:
The problem with ma FTDI:
When I turn on the battery to power my board, "I can guess" that process run well, because there is the STATUS led and NETLIGHT led flashing in a good order and I also add another led which flash where the Arduino leave the setup loop. The GPS_STDBYOUT is flashing at good time.
When I plug my FDTI card from my Mac to the Arduino mini pro, the GPS_STDBYOUT is flashing immediately.
Do you have an idea why?
Above, I add some link to my schema to see how I connected my GPS module pins in order to let Atduino Mini pro to power it
If someone has a experience how to power a SIM968C module and tell me which value of transistor and resistence to use, it would be great and magic :o)
Thank for your help