strange problem.


i have ran into a strange problem when hooking up a midi out din, using a power lead [12v, which can be used with the mega].

i hooked all the reqired things up, and now the RX/TX and power led's are just still [on]. i cant reset nor do anything. i have even un-plugged and tried the usb again for code transfers, but no luck, they just stay on.

anyone know what the problem is? hope its not anything bad as i have followed the sketches and blueprint to what i needed to do right.


lewis edwards

as i have followed the sketches and blueprint to what i needed to do right.

Can you post a link to these so we can see.

The phrase:-

using a power lead [12v, which can be used with the mega].

Worries me. In the circuit you posted, you haven't connected Vcc up to 12V have you? If so that is the problem and you have probably fried the arduino. Vcc must be connected to 5 volts ONLY.

Also that is a rubbish MIDI interface, way outside the MIDI specs. It's one of those circuit that might work if everything is going for you but by no means is it any good. Sorry but people who post that sort of circuit destroying stuff should be fried themselves.

aye, well i am sure it got fried. but no big worries in the end, because it was a clone of mega. but annoyed that this circuit done that.
but i did buy an official duemilanove today which should arrive tomorrow.

is there any other midi circuits that properly work posted around. i have been looking but really only found this one?.


is there any other midi circuits that properly work posted around. i have been looking but really only found this one?.

Get away the web is crawling with them:-

Even my site has several MIDI projects:-

i know it is silly i could not find things for midi, yes it is. but pretty much all of the things were just talk etc.
also probably has to do with the fact i cant think at the moment, what with work.

anyhow, sod it :).

oooh, i did not know about your site, so i will have a good look at that.

thanks for the help...

just this second i received my new arduino. will look on your website and check out the midi. plus got a power supply as well especially for it.
