Strange RX Port Behavior

Hopefully someone can help me figure this out...

I have two Bluetooth modules - one is the" JY-MCU HC06" (1) and the other is a "Hossen HC06" (2). Both modules transmit information perfectly to my Android device, but I am having trouble getting (2) to receive information without the use of SoftwareSerial. My sketch is as follows, on the Arduino UNO:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 4); // RX | TX

void setup(){

void loop(){
    if (BTSerial.available()){
        Serial.println("GOT SOFT");

    if (Serial.available()){
        Serial.println("GOT REG");

I'm just printing out the bytes of the message for both SoftwareSerial and Serial. With module 1, I can receive on both SoftwareSerial and Serial perfectly.

With module 2, I can only receive with SoftwareSerial. For some reason I get nothing in regular Serial. Any tips or suggestions? Thanks in advance!

(Other notes: I've set the baud rates for both modules to 9600 via the command "AT+BAUD4". If I connect module 1's tx pin to Serial and SoftwareSerial rx, I get the messages fine. If I connect module 2's tx pin to Serial and SoftwareSerial rx, nothing shows up -- not even for SoftwareSerial, which works by itself)

I don't understand how you wired your setup. Can you draw wiring diagrams and post them?

Unfortunately I'm at work so I won't be able to post an actual wiring diagram until later, but here is a written description (all wires are going from the module to the Arduino board):

Both Modules:
VCC --> 3.3V
TXD --> Pin 0 RX (for Serial, for SoftwareSerial Pin 10)
RXD --> Pin 1 TX (for Serial, for SoftwareSerial Pin 4)

With module 2, I can only receive with SoftwareSerial. For some reason I get nothing in regular Serial.

With the posted sketch you're not printing out on both channels but only on the HardwareSerial interface, so the SoftwareSerial setup won't work at all. Either there's something wrong with the wiring description or the sketch is not the one you tested with.

I know I am only printing out on regular Serial.

My goal is to print on regular Serial when anything is received by the Bluetooth module.

In my example if the 2nd module receives information, only SoftwareSerial registers that data was received, regular Serial does nothing.

In my example if the 1st module receives information, both the SoftwareSerial and regular Serial register that data was received.

I double checked, and this is the sketch I tested with.

How do you check if something is received?

with if (Serial.available())

Here is a sketch that might make what I am trying to do more clear:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial BTSerial(10, 4); // RX | TX
const int SOFTWARE_LED = 9;
const int REGULAR_LED = 12;

void setup(){

void loop(){    
    //If there is data in SoftwareSerial, blink
            digitalWrite(SOFTWARE_LED, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(SOFTWARE_LED, LOW);

    //If there is data in Serial, blink
            digitalWrite(REGULAR_LED, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(REGULAR_LED, LOW);

And that sketch does blink if the modules TX pin is connected to pin 10 on the Arduino but it doesn't blink if it's connected to pin 0? If that's the case I would connect my scope and see how the signals look like.

For module 2, the sketch does blink if the modules TX pin is connected to pin 10 on the Arduino and does not blink if it is connected to pin 0.

For module 1, the sketch blinks in both cases.

What would I be looking for on the oscilloscope? The correct information is being sent as confirmed through SoftwareSerial.

What would I be looking for on the oscilloscope?

How sharp is the signal, how steep the edges, what's the signal level, does it have spikes and the like. Is the timing correct or are there stretches that shouldn't be, etc. The hardware serial tries to adapt if the signal doesn't have the correct speed (within some limits) while the SoftwareSerial just reads in defined time periods.

Are the characters read by SoftwareSerial correct (the ones sent)? Or do you just look if something is transmitted?

The characeters read by SoftwareSerial are correct (I have checked them).

I don't see how these things you are telling me to look for on the oscilloscope would matter. Why would the steepness of the edges, or 'sharpness' of the signal matter if the correct information is being interpreted by the SoftwareSerial connection? Also, in terms of timing, in the case you are talking about wouldn't some of the information still be being received by the hardware serial, just not the correct information?

Thanks for the help so far by the way. Also, do you have the documentation you read for the differences in hardware and software serial?

Also, in terms of timing, in the case you are talking about wouldn't some of the information still be being received by the hardware serial, just not the correct information?

That would be my expectation too but I often see the reason for such a behavior in the scope output although I don't know what to look for before I do it.

Also, do you have the documentation you read for the differences in hardware and software serial?

Yes, you do also: it's the source code, which is part of the IDE (HardwareSerial.cpp and SoftwareSerial.cpp). I use no other documentation because that's what counts in the end, the code that is executed. For the hardware serial interface you might also need the datasheet of the ATmega328p processor.