Strange serial output on breadboarded Arduino


Not sure if I posted this in the right spot, but I have been having some odd issues with my breadboarded Arduino. I purchased an Atmega328 with optiboot pre-programmed on it, and I built an arduino on a breadboard by following one of the many online tutorials. (16mhz crystal with loading caps are also in place) I then connected the breadboard to an FTDI breakout (It is wired correctly) and uploaded the following code via a Pocket AVR Programmer:

 * Hello World!
 * This is the Hello World! for Arduino. 
 * It shows how to send data to the computer

void setup()                    // run once, when the sketch starts
  Serial.begin(9600);           // set up Serial library at 9600 bps

void loop()                       // run over and over again
  Serial.println("Hello world!");  // prints hello with ending line break

I plug in my FTDI board by USB, and the RX light begins to flicker like it should. So I assume that "Hello World" is being sent.
Or at least, it should have.

I open up the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE, and I notice that whenever the RX light blinks, the horizontal scroll bar on the monitor gradually shrinks, indicating that characters are being received. The problem is, I can't SEE any of the characters. It's blank. (Like it is only receiving spaces) This happens on other computers too, so I am not really sure what I have done wrong. The terminal is set to 9600, and the port in windows is also set to 9600.

Anyone have an idea why this would be happening?


What are the fuse settings? You can run this sketch:

You might have the "divide by 8" fuse bit set.

Try setting the serial monitor to 1200 baud. That is 9600 / 8. That would at least prove or disprove my theory.