Strange USB problem with Arduino Mega

First of all apologies about my bad english, i will try to explain the problem that i have.

Hi, i have a strange problem with two mega boards, each time that i switch off the board, i must wait about five minutes to connect the USB cable, if i connect before this time don't comunicate. This happen with two differents boards in three diferents computers and with linux or XP sp2, and one of the boards is totally new.

This happen only when i switch off totally the board, if i use external power i can connect and disconnect USB without problems, but if the board its without power i must wait about five minutes since last use of the USB to comunicate again, and must wait switch off.

Could be any capacitor in discharge?

What error do you get if you connect the board before that time? Does it appear in the Tools > Serial Port menu?

With Windows the error its "faulty USB device connected" in Linux "error -71 device don't accept address XX" after that time everything is correct in windows and linux. :-/