Stray error

i am trying to do a proyect for my university but i have some mistakes and i don´t know why. I appreciate any help.

the code:

int y[1600];
int x[1600];
double Va, Vb;
int n, l = 0, j = 0, k = 0, M, A = 4096;
float T = 1e6 / 60;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin (9600);
  pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  M = 4;
  for (n = 0; n < M; n++)
    if ((n < M / 4))
    { y[n] = (j∗A) / (M / 4);
    if ((n >= M / 4) && (n < (3∗M) / 4))
    { y[n] = (j∗A) / (M / 4);
    if (n >= (3∗M) / 4)
    { y[n] = (j∗A) / (M / 4);
  for (n = 0; n < M; n++)
    x[n] = (l / 4) * A

void loop () {
  Va = 4096 ∗ sin( 2 ∗ 3.1415 / T ∗ micros()) ;
  //Vb=(2048 * sin ( 2∗3.1415/T∗ micros()))+2048;

  if (Va >= (y[k] / 2 + A / 2)) {
    digitalWrite (13, HIGH);
  } else {
    digitalWrite (13, LOW) ;
  //if(Va>=(y [k]/2−A/2)){ digitalWrite(13,LOW) ;}else{digitalWrite (13,HIGH) ;}

  if ( Va >= (x[k] / 2 + A / 2)) {
    digitalWrite (12, HIGH) ;
  } else {
    digitalWrite(12, LOW) ;
  //if( Va>=(x[k]/2−A/2)){digitalWrite(11,LOW) ;}else{digitalWrite(11,HIGH) ;}
  if (k == M) {
    k = 0;
Arduino:1.8.1 (Windows 10), Tarjeta:"Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:18: error: stray '\342' in program

     { y[n] = (j∗A) / (M / 4);


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:18: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:18: error: stray '\227' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:21: error: stray '\342' in program

     if ((n >= M / 4) && (n < (3∗M) / 4))


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:21: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:21: error: stray '\227' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:22: error: stray '\342' in program

     { y[n] = (j∗A) / (M / 4);


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:22: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:22: error: stray '\227' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:23: error: stray '\342' in program



round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:23: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:23: error: stray '\222' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:23: error: stray '\342' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:23: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:23: error: stray '\222' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:25: error: stray '\342' in program

     if (n >= (3∗M) / 4)


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:25: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:25: error: stray '\227' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:26: error: stray '\342' in program

     { y[n] = (j∗A) / (M / 4);


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:26: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:26: error: stray '\227' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\342' in program

   Va = 4096 ∗ sin( 2 ∗ 3.1415 / T ∗ micros()) ;


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\227' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\342' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\227' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\342' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\210' in program

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: stray '\227' in program

C:\Users\SAMSUNGPC\Documents\materias UD\elepot\round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas\round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas.ino: In function 'void setup()':

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:18: error: expected ')' before 'A'

     { y[n] = (j∗A) / (M / 4);


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:21: error: expected ')' before 'M'

     if ((n >= M / 4) && (n < (3∗M) / 4))


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:25: error: expected ')' before 'if'

     if (n >= (3∗M) / 4)


round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:29: error: expected ')' before '}' token



round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:29: error: expected primary-expression before '}' token

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:33: error: expected ';' before 'l'



C:\Users\SAMSUNGPC\Documents\materias UD\elepot\round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas\round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas.ino: In function 'void loop()':

round_2_mi_codigo_con_todas_las_salidas:39: error: expected ';' before 'sin'

   Va = 4096 ∗ sin( 2 ∗ 3.1415 / T ∗ micros()) ;


exit status 1
stray '\342' in program

It looks like you copied and pasted from a web page. Those "stray" characters are unwanted in a program but are sometimes needed for formatting a web page as desired.

Also, you posted without using code tags.

To post code and/or error messages:

  1. Use CTRL-T in the Arduino IDE to autoformat your complete code.
  2. Paste the complete autoformatted code between code tags (the </> button)
    so that we can easily see and deal with your code.
  3. Paste the complete error message between code tags (the </> button)
    so that we can easily see and deal with your messages.
  4. If you already posted without code tags, you may add the code tags by
    editing your post. Do not change your existing posts in any other way.
    You may make additional posts as needed.
  5. Please provide links to any libraries that are used
    (look for statements in your code that look like #include ). Many libraries
    are named the same but have different contents.

Before posting again, you should read the three locked topics by Nick Gammon near the top of the Programming Questions forum, and any links to which these posts point.

If your project involves wiring, please provide a schematic and/or a wiring diagram and/or a clear photograph of the wiring.

Good Luck!

ready, sorry this is my first time posting in the forum.
that's how I copied some things from the internet and I modified them according to what I needed, however, I made many mistakes.
Regarding the libraries do not use any I think that all the functions that I use are in this page

Thank you for your cooperation

You can remove the non-standard characters causing the stray errors by following these instructions:

  • Edit > Find
  • Find: ∗ (copy that character, it's different from the standard multiplication sign)
  • Replace with: *
  • Click "Replace All"
  • Find: − (copy that character, it's different from the standard subtraction sign)
  • Replace with: -
  • Click "Replace All"

After that you only have two lines where you forgot the semicolon. I'll leave fixing those to you.

What type of Arduino is this for?

int y[1600];
int x[1600];

Yeah - what he said.