Stream Arduino Grove Light Sensor V1.2 in excel / google sheets

Hello everybody,

Would it be possible to stream data from my Arduino Grove light sensor v1.2 to excel or google sheets? If so please could you tell me how e.g what components, sample code ect

For the Sheets part and to received the data, you would need to get familiar with the Google Script API. Google "google script API sheets" for more info.

You then obviously need to connect it to the Internet. Would you be using WiFi or Ethernet? If you are using WiFi, then you might want to consider using the ESP8266.

Here is a project using Google calendar, but the principle would be the similar:

^#185 ESP8266 - Google Calendar Reminder: How To Make Your Wife/Girlfriend happy (Arduino) - YouTube

I have yet to get Google Script API to work on an ESP32 although there might have succeeded and can advise on that aspect. (I would be interested to hear from them as well!)

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