Yes, we know how to streaming video with Yun and it works very well.
What about streaming audio? Is it possible?
Yes, we know how to streaming video with Yun and it works very well.
What about streaming audio? Is it possible?
What type streaming audio? airplay or internet radio?
Thanks for your interest.
I am streaming video with a Microsoft webcam that has a microphone. Can we stream the audio of this micro at the same time?
I found this interesting page about streaming audio (from a mic).
It is for ubuntu. I do not know whether we can use it in our limited linux.
Last example of possible options seems very good:
Why Use? If you want a near-realtime reliable stream.
The best solution I found for realtime audio streaming is FFmpeg as it can stream via rtp nativley, with no need to use FFserver. I used the following command:
ffmpeg -f oss -i /dev/dsp -acodec libmp3lame -ab 32k -ac 1 -re -f rtp rtp://
. This is similiar to the VLC command, except that this time I am converting into MP3 and streaming to the address: rtp:// Once again, all you need to do is enter rtp:// as the streaming source in VLC. There are a few huge advantages with this method, first, the CPU usage is only about 25% on my naff little 750Mhz Transmeta Crusoe. Second, multiple clients can connect at once and third, it seems rock solid. I have had this command running for three days straight with no problems. Memory usage seems to creep up over time, but that's about all. I get a delay of roughly 1.5 seconds, but this does not change over time.
Sorry, couldn't take looking at "steaming audio" any more ... Moderator