string and char array

hello guys, I'm new in programming and today I have 2 question about string and char array. here is my first question :

suppose I had the following data (the data is in sting format) : M181997
from the data above I want to make something like this

Serial.print("GENDER : ");
Serial.println(first character of my string data);
Serial.print("AGE : ");
Serial.println(second and third character of my string data);
Serial.print(BIRTH YEAR : );
Serial.println(fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh character of my string data);

And I'm expecting something like this to be displayed on my Serial monitor :

AGE : 18

and my second question is : how can I convert a string into an array? let's say I have string like this :

String myMessage="ARDUINOUNO"

now I want to convert it into something like this :

Char myMessage[11] = {"ARDUINOUNO"};

This illustrates how to convert:

void setup() {


  char myCharArray[11];
  String myMessage="ARDUINOUNO";

  myMessage.toCharArray(myCharArray, 11);  // display it once

  for (int i = 0; myCharArray[i]; i++)     // prove it's an array


void loop() {


You should note the size difference when you convert from using the String class to a char array. The char array will save you memory.

and my second question is : how can I convert a string into an array?

There is no need. A string is a NULL terminated array of chars. A String is something else entirely, and really has no place on the Arduino.

This illustrates how to convert:

void setup() {


char myCharArray[11];
 String myMessage="ARDUINOUNO";

myMessage.toCharArray(myCharArray, 11);  // display it once

for (int i = 0; myCharArray[i]; i++)     // prove it's an array


void loop() {


Thank you sir, this is what I've been looking for.

As Paul suggested, there is no need for the String in the first place.
Why not just

void setup() 
  char myCharArray[] = "ARDUINOUNO";

void loop() 

Incidentally, what values of i do you expect to get from

for (int i = 0; myCharArray[i]; i++)

Have you tried printing them ?

Incidentally, what values of i do you expect to get from

As long as the ith element of the array is not NULL, the middle clause of the for statement will evaluate to true. I don't like that structure. It looks like a mistake, even though it isn't.

As long as the ith element of the array is not NULL, the middle clause of the for statement will evaluate to true.

Got it, thanks.

I don't like that structure.

Me neither, even though I now understand how it works.

I don't like that structure.

Why not? What about:

  for (int i = 0; myCharArray[i] != '\0'; i++)     // prove it's an array

Why not? What about:

  for (int i = 0; myCharArray[i] != '\0'; i++)     // prove it's an array

Yes. The code should "speak" the coders intentions to the reader, not just the compiler.