I am having a problem with the Arduino IDE on Ubuntu 14.04, installed via the terminal:
sudo apt-get install arduino
When I upload the code from:
to test the String.remove() function I get the following error:
sketch_dec24c.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
sketch_dec24c.ino:36:12: error: ‘class String’ has no member named ‘remove’
sketch_dec24c.ino:42:12: error: ‘class String’ has no member named ‘remove’
Can someone please help me with this error, while the code is correct.
String.remove may be a new method, perhaps you have to update your library?
My IDE (1.0.6, Windows) highlights "remove" properly, and compilation succeeds. What's your IDE version?
My IDE version is 1.0.5, even when downloading the nightly build it is 1.0.5 for linux and with the beta version (1.5.8) it gives the same error.
In my ide it also highlights remove with an orange color.
I think i am going to try it on my windows pc and see what happens.
I just got a reply from a github developer, and he said it was done, but I downloaded it then, but it is still 1.0.5, only the tar(sort of zip) file is called arduino-1.0.6.tar.gz, which is weird. I replied to him and I will see tomorrow.
It works now, I started the arduino software from the terminal and then it opens the things that are downloaded from the Ubuntu Dependencies, and not the arduino files I downloaded, so there is nothing wrong, only with me :).