Stripping identifier off serial string to get position number for servo

Pretty much a newbie to programming and the Arduino. Putting together a project to control some automotive accessories. GUI is running on a Win10 tablet with bluetooth connection to a Mega 2560. There are several servos to control and a couple MOSFETs through the Processing app over bluetooth. I have had success with setting up the bluetooth connection and getting the button and toggle controls to work. The issue has become getting the servo's to work. I have processing sending a character string of d+(PWM request) for one of the controls and a character string of h+(position request) for a servo. The issue is stripping the identity character from the string and passing the numerical information to the MOSFET/servo. A stripped down version of the code in Processing:

import controlP5.; //import control P5 library
import processing.serial.
; //import serial llibrary

Serial port; //Set serial as port
int DashDim; //Set DashDim variable as int
int TempControl; //set TempControl as in variable

ControlP5 cp5; //create control P5 library
PFont font1;
PFont font2;

void setup(){
size (600, 760); //window size
cp5 = new ControlP5(this); //set cp5 as ControlP5
font1 = createFont("Bauhaus 93", 34); //set font1
font2 = createFont("Arial Rounded MT Bold", 28); //set font2

printArray(Serial.list()); //get serial llist to console
port = new Serial(this,"COM21", 38400); //set serial port for bluetooth

cp5.addSlider("DashDim") //add a slider to control dash light brightness
.setLabel("DD") //control voltage to LED guages with MOSFET
.setPosition(200, 160)

cp5.addSlider("TempControl") //add slider to control heat blend door
.setPosition(200, 320) //control heater blend door with RC servo

void draw(){ //set window graphics

background(220, 220, 220);
fill(0, 0, 0);
text("Charger Control", 190, 50);
text("Dash Dim", 20, 200);
text("Heat Temp", 20, 360);

void DashDim(int TheBright){

void TempControl(int TheHeat){

:End Processing Sketch

I can see from the Processing console that it is sending d+"value" from the DashDim and h+"position from the TempControl slider.

Arduino code:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo DashDim; //Create servo object Dash Dimmer
int posDashDim = 90;
Servo TempControl; //Servo object TempControl
int posTempControl = 90;

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); //Start serial communication USB
Serial3.begin(38400); //Start serial communication Bluetooth

void loop() {

if(Serial3.available()>0){ //if data is available to read
char val =; //load variable

if(val == 'd***'){
//need code to strip the d and send the position number to the servo

Thank you in advance for any help you can send this way!

if(val == 'd***') is never going to work reads a byte !

Start by reading Serial input basics - updated

You can completely avoid the need for identity characters if every message contains data for every output always in the same order - even if the values have not changed.

Something like <servoAval, servoBval, servoCval, mosfetVal>
