Strobe Light On batteries (and Solar)


Merry Christmas to ya all !!
I would like to build a white strobe light with at least 340 lumens that will run for at least 22 hours on battery.
The strobe will flash for 60ms every 8 secs (approx. 10min continuous power for the 22 hours) and the power source will come from solar panels. Could you please reccomend a LED solution (I really like the rings), LED driver, battery supply, battery charger and solar panels? I am thinking to go for 18260 Lithium cells. The project will run on MKR1010 along with some sensors. The draw of the sensors and the arduino will be around 272mAh if I calculated correctly.. (maker not pro)

Thank you in advance,


To begin with. Do the math, sum up the number of Ah, ampere hours, needed. Estimate the solar power available during those 22 hours. That wil give us some idea of what battory You need.

Pick an LED that produces the desired brightness, with appropriate driver (it often comes as a package).
Check the current it needs - that gives you the Ah or mAh battery capacity you need for the time you want it to run. Don't forget to check the idle/quiescent current of the LED driver which may be significant.
Add the 272 mAh for the sensors and so to that.
Multiply by 1.5 to have a decent margin.
Get a battery (from a reputable supplier - lots of fake rated LiPos out there) that has that capacity.