Yes, I agree and we reached a point of interest here. Would you (or anyone reading with some spare time
) be so kind to show me how that PORTs scan and masking could be done?
Just in case, this is the whole code posted on the instructables (with some minor update):
// Interfaccia PC-to-Jamma
// Per Arduino DUE
// Sezione controlli (mappatura secondo MAME default) e
// blocco frequenze >15KHz.
// il circuito complessivo prevede l'uso di un amplificatore
// integrato THS7374.
// by Barito, 2017
#include <Keyboard.h>
#define INPUTS 24
const int HSyncPin = A8;
const int disablePin = A11;
const int bypassPin = A10;
const int ledPin = 13;
const int BYPASS = 1;
const int delayTime = 20;
boolean startBlock = 0;
//31KHz -> 32 us
//25KHz -> 40 us
//15KHz -> 66 us
unsigned long periodoSum = 0;
unsigned long periodoIst = 0;
unsigned long FREQKHz=0;
unsigned long periodoMedio=0;
int samplesm;
const int samples = 50;
struct digitalInput {const byte pin; boolean state; long dbTime; const byte key; const byte key_shift;}
digitalInput[INPUTS] = {
{40, HIGH, 0, 49, 49}, //1 - P1 START
{41, HIGH, 0, 50, 177}, //2 - P2 START (ESC)
{38, HIGH, 0, 218, 189}, //up arrow - P1 UP (tilde)
{36, HIGH, 0, 217, 112}, //down arrow - P1 DWN (p)
{34, HIGH, 0, 216, 176}, //left arrow - P1 LEFT (ENTER)
{32, HIGH, 0, 215, 179}, //right arrow - P1 RIGHT (TAB)
{30, HIGH, 0, 128, 53}, //left ctrl - P1 B1 (5)
{28, HIGH, 0, 130, 54}, //left alt - P1 B2 (6)
{26, HIGH, 0, 180, 223}, //space - P1 B3 (+)
{24, HIGH, 0, 129, 129}, //left shift - P1 B4
{22, HIGH, 0, 122, 122}, //z - P1 B5
{2, HIGH, 0, 120, 222}, //x - P1 B6 (-)
{39, HIGH, 0, 114, 114}, //r - P2 UP
{37, HIGH, 0, 102, 102}, //f - P2 DWN
{35, HIGH, 0, 100, 100}, //d - P2 LEFT
{33, HIGH, 0, 103, 103}, //g - P2 RIGHT
{31, HIGH, 0, 97, 97}, //a - P2 B1
{29, HIGH, 0, 115, 115}, //s - P2 B2
{27, HIGH, 0, 113, 113}, //q - P2 B3
{25, HIGH, 0, 119, 119}, //w - P2 B4
{23, HIGH, 0, 105, 105}, //i - P2 B5
{3, HIGH, 0, 107, 107}, //k - P2 B6
{42, HIGH, 0, 53, 53}, //5 - P1 COIN
{43, HIGH, 0, 54, 54}, //6 - P2 COIN
void setup(){
for (int j = 0; j < INPUTS; j++){
pinMode(digitalInput[j].pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
digitalInput[j].state = digitalRead(digitalInput[j].pin);
digitalInput[j].dbTime = millis();}
pinMode(HSyncPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bypassPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(disablePin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(disablePin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
if (BYPASS){digitalWrite(bypassPin, HIGH);}
else {digitalWrite(bypassPin, LOW);}
} // chiudo setup
void loop(){
void generalInputs(){
//general input handling
for (int j = 1; j < INPUTS; j++){
if (millis()-digitalInput[j].dbTime > delayTime && digitalRead(digitalInput[j].pin) != digitalInput[j].state){
digitalInput[j].state = !digitalInput[j].state;
digitalInput[j].dbTime = millis();
if(digitalInput[0].state == HIGH){ //shift button
if (digitalInput[j].state == LOW){[j].key);}
else {Keyboard.release(digitalInput[j].key);}
if (digitalInput[j].state == LOW){
startBlock = 1;[j].key_shift);}
else {Keyboard.release(digitalInput[j].key_shift);}
void shiftInputs(){
//reversed input handling (P1 START) - shift button
if (millis()-digitalInput[0].dbTime > delayTime && digitalRead(digitalInput[0].pin) != digitalInput[0].state){
digitalInput[0].state = !digitalInput[0].state;
digitalInput[0].dbTime = millis();
if (digitalInput[0].state == HIGH && startBlock == 0){[0].key);
else{startBlock = 0;}
void freqBlock(){
periodoSum = 0;
samplesm = samples;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<samples; i++){
periodoIst = pulseIn(HSyncPin,HIGH);
if(periodoIst < 100 && periodoIst > 10){
periodoSum += periodoIst;}
else {samplesm--;}
periodoMedio = (periodoSum/samplesm)+5;}
digitalWrite(disablePin, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);}
else {
digitalWrite(disablePin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);}
For sure there's room for improvements, but this is my best and I need some help to go further on this.