help request - lesson 2 - multimeter does not show reading

Hello Community,

I just started Lesson 2 in the student kit - Ohm's Law:

I built my circuit and got the LED to blink. I put the battery in my multimeter and plugged the black wire into the COM port and the red wire into the volt-ohm-milliamp, set the dial to 20V, and made contact with the red wire to the + lead, and the black wire to the - lead.

The meter shows .000 no matter what combination of touching wires to components I've tried.

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help?

(Also it would have been helpful to a true noob like myself if the tutorial spelled out to put a battery in the multimeter! That took longer than it should have to sort out :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Please show us an image of the meter as you are taking measurements.

The COM port where?

Think they meant the Com jack on the DMM :thinking:

Please ask the mods to move it.

Please show us an image of the circuit as you found it in the link. The link requires an activation code that I (probably most of us) don't have.

Your topic has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum. Installation and Troubleshooting is not for problems with (nor for advise on) your project :wink: See About the Installation & Troubleshooting category.

Thank you for helping, got it to work!

There are two sets of red and black wires that came with the kit, I was using the thin pair, the thick pair (that in retrospect clearly has jacks for the multimeter) is the pair to use, just wasn't the first pair I laid eyes on.

I'll be sure to post future questions to the Installation and Troubleshooting category for this kind of thing in the future.

Glad that you got itsorted.

Please not :wink: Installation and Troubleshooting is mostly for problems with the IDE.

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