Stupid expected unqualified id before if

Hello just wrote alot of code and debbuged it but this one thing dosent wors anyway here is the code:

int First_Digit = 2;
int Second_Digit = 3;
int Third_Digit = 4;
int a = 5;
int b = 6;
int c = 7;
int d = 8;
int e = 9;
int f = 10;
int g = 11;
int Fan_Out = 12;
const int Up_Button = A0;
const int Down_Button = A1;
int Fan_Speed = 0;
int Button_Up_Preses = 0; // current reading
int Button_Down_Preses = 0; // current reading
unsigned long lastDebunceTime_Button_Up = 0; //last time the pin was changed
unsigned long lastDebunceTime_Button_Down = 0; //last time the pin was changed
unsigned long debunceDelay = 100; //Increse or decrese to fine tune

void setup() {
 // put your setup code here, to run once:

//Int Pins
pinMode(First_Digit, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Second_Digit, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Third_Digit, OUTPUT);
pinMode(a, OUTPUT);
pinMode(b, OUTPUT);
pinMode(c, OUTPUT);
pinMode(d, OUTPUT);
pinMode(e, OUTPUT);
pinMode(f, OUTPUT);
pinMode(g, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Fan_Out, OUTPUT);
pinMode(Up_Button, INPUT);
pinMode(Down_Button, INPUT);

void loop() {
 // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int Button_Up_Preses = analogRead(Up_Button);
int Button_Down_Preses = analogRead(Down_Button);
if(((millis() - lastDebunceTime_Button_Up) > debunceDelay) && (Fan_Speed < 100)) {
// if( (Button_Up_Preses >= 950) && (Fan_Speed < 100))
 Fan_Speed += 5;
else { 
 Fan_Speed = Fan_Speed;

  if((Button_Down_Preses >= 950) && (Fan_Speed > 0)) {
    Fan_Speed += -5;
else {
    Fan_Speed = Fan_Speed;
 if(Button_Up == 5) {
 digitalWrite(First_Digit, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(a, LOW);
 digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(c, LOW);
 digitalWrite(d, LOW);
 digitalWrite(e, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(f, LOW);
 digitalWrite(g, LOW);
 digitalWrite(First_Digit, LOW);
 else if(Fan_Speed == 10)
 digitalWrite(First_Digit, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(b, LOW);
 digitalWrite(c, LOW);
 digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(e, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(a, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(b, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(c, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(d, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(e, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(f, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(First_Digit, LOW);
 digitalWrite(Second_Digit, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(a, LOW);
 digitalWrite(b, LOW);
 digitalWrite(c, LOW);
 digitalWrite(d, LOW);
 digitalWrite(e, LOW);
 digitalWrite(f, LOW);
 digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(Second_Digit, LOW);

 digitalWrite(First_Digit, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(Second_Digit, LOW);
 digitalWrite(a, LOW);
 digitalWrite(b, LOW);
 digitalWrite(c, LOW);
 digitalWrite(d, LOW);
 digitalWrite(e, LOW);
 digitalWrite(f, LOW);
 digitalWrite(g, HIGH);
Serial.print(" Fan Speed = ");
Serial.print (Fan_Speed);

Told you its long and not finshied
Its used with 2 buttons and 7segment 4 character dispaly
I'm havin issuse with this line
[/right]if(Fan_Speed == 5) {
Its in the middle of the loop section
Its giving me the error expected unqualified id before if
Please help

To make it easy for people to help you please modify your post and use the code button </>

so your code looks like this

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Your code is too long for me to study quickly without copying to a text editor.

Also please use the AutoFormat tool to indent your code for easier reading.

AND please post the exact error message as it will contain the line number where the compiler thinks the error is. It is possible the actual error is some lines before that.


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int Button_Up_Preses = analogRead(Up_Button);
int Button_Down_Preses = analogRead(Down_Button);
