Substitute for AS5311 magnetic incremental encoders

I saw this interesting project, is a laser galvo burner using two mirrors glued to 2 CD-ROM motors:

youTube - laser galvo positioning with magnetic incremental encoder

The sensor can produce "0.0036 deg / step". Unfortunately, the "AS5311" is a surface mount component, and my DIP tools and skills are too big to make a board for that component, and would actually have no way to solder that on anything I have.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a different component or device I could substitute with, that I can actually use to make a project like this, in a practical DIP size. I get really confused sorting through the 100,000 parts in mouser and digi-key.

If I made the project, I can possibly etch / raster the PCB print on a sensitized copper clad - to move into doing surface mount components. This machine also saves alot of bench space compared to a belt-driven gantry with many more moving parts.

New devices are SMT only these days, pretty much. There are companies that sell SMT to 0.1 pitch
breakout boards and some do a soldering service for them as well. You could practice soldering on
some SMT breakout boards with cheap logic chips or similar, they tend to be 15 cents a pop or so.

I think if I take a closer look and figure out how many degrees between steps, and draw that out for the distance between mirror and workpiece - I may not need 2 micron accuracy. I could possibly get this done using a high resolution optical encoder, if the math works out.