Substituting 12N14P BLDC with 24N22P BLDC, motor does not rotate

I'm following this tutorial to build a 3-axis gimbal using Arduino. In 'Step 6', the author describes how to rotate a Brushless Motor using an Arduino Uno and the following code:

// Driving 3-phase Brushless DC Motor with Square-wave
// This sketch is based on the code for the stroboscope project by eLABZ.
// (
// Copyright (C) 2015 ArduinoDeXXX All Rights Reserved.
const int motorDelayActual = 150;
const int motorPin1 = 9;
const int motorPin2 = 10;
const int motorPin3 = 11;
const int motorPinState[] = {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0};
int currentStepA = 0;
int currentStepB = 2;
int currentStepC = 4;
long lastMotorDelayTime = 0;
void setup () {
  pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorPin3, OUTPUT);
void loop () {
  if ((millis() - lastMotorDelayTime) > motorDelayActual) {
    currentStepA = currentStepA ++;
    if (currentStepA > 5) currentStepA = 0;
    if (currentStepA < 0) currentStepA = 5;
    currentStepB = currentStepB ++;
    if (currentStepB > 5) currentStepB = 0;
    if (currentStepB < 0) currentStepB = 5;
    currentStepC = currentStepC ++;
    if (currentStepC > 5) currentStepC = 0;
    if (currentStepC < 0) currentStepC = 5;
    lastMotorDelayTime = millis();
    analogWrite(motorPin1, 254 * motorPinState[currentStepA]);
    analogWrite(motorPin2, 254 * motorPinState[currentStepB]);
    analogWrite(motorPin3, 254 * motorPinState[currentStepC]);
// Copyright (C) 2015 ArduinoDeXXX All Rights Reserved.

The wires from the motor connect directly to pins 9, 10 and 11.

In '[Documentary (5)]', the author tests a circuit using a motor that has 12 coils and 14 poles (model GBM3506-130T).

When I recreate the circuit using a different motor that has 24 coils and 22 poles (model BGM4108-130), no rotation is observed. A slight vibration can be heard but there is no discernible movement in either direction.

When I add an additional power source (9V battery) the same result is observed, except the vibration is louder.

Is there anything else I need to consider when using this particular model of motor?

You should not drive a motor directly from the pins of the Arduino.
The current draw will greatly exceed what the pins carry.
Best case, you don't get the behavior you expect.

Hi Vince, thanks for your comment. I have appended my post with an image which shows my current setup. As you can see we're using an L298 motor driver to interface with the Arduino.