I have a new project. I'm into RC aircraft, and I recently saw a video of a guy flying an airplane that was equiped with a microcontroller and sound module that made the airplane sound real. It was kind of cool. Doesn't sound cool, but it was. lol
Anyway, I was thinking of doing the same. The compoents need to be light and relatively loud. I was thinking of using something like this for a speaker, but the audio shield I found here only puts out less than a watt. Is there a way to step the output up? Any other good options? The wav files would be fairly large, so the external SD card on the linked unit would be perfect I'd think.
I have often considered doing something similar for my RC Cars, but my approach would be to generate the sound on the fly - it takes less components.
I have seen nice sounding commercial units for cars that use engine samples probably pulled from video games.
What sort of sounds are you intending to create ? are they engine type sounds which could be approximated in software or are you looking for a wide range of effects played back from samples ?
I'm looking to play the engine start sequence for a low bypass turbofan engine (like a modern jet fighter), then the steady sound of a jet running (might get higher pitch with a throttle setting (PWM from a Radio Control Receiver), and then a shut down sequence sound. Nothing terribly complicated I think.
My radio is an 11 channel model, so I was thinking of having two inputs to the arduino- one from an unused channel to turn the sound program on (just loop doing nothing until I get the signal from the RX to start the main program), then another input that Y's off the throttle control (or is mixed in if I have 2 extra channels).
So, you would flip a switch on the transmitter to cause the arduino to play the start sequence wave file of an F-16 (for example), then, once it is done playing the file, it holds the jet sound and looks for an increase/decrease of the throttle input. If the throttle goes up, it raises the pitch of the sound, if the throttle goes down, it lowers the pitch of the sound. It will then play the jet shutdown sequence wave file when the switch is turned off on the radio.