Suggestions For New Embedded Functions For The Arduino:
#1. toggleOutputPin(pin) Toggle output pin number if pin mode is output ---> 1=0 or 0=1 - do nothing if input.
#2. noop(void) ---> no operation - delay is @ clock frequency cycle time.
#3. pinModeStatus(pin) ---> returns 1 if output mode or 0 is returned otherwise (input mode)
#4. pinIsPulledUp(pin) ---> returns 1 if input is internally pulled up & 0 = no internal pullup - valid for inputs only.
#5. pinDefault(void) ---> resets all I/O pins to their power-up default state - all inputs.
#6. restartCPU(void) ---> resets all I/O pins, registers and restarts program execution.
#7. setPinModeState(pin,mode,state) ---> set pin# mode as Input/Output. Input, state 1 = pullup or state Output 1 or 0.
Of course some of the above functions could be easily created in a sketch but it would be very convenient to
install them in an updated revision.