Sunfounder Kit and Installation.

Hello all,

I am new to this so please be patient with me.
Just purchased a sunfounder starter kit with a UNO R3 pcb.

Attempted to follow the installation instructions, using the on-site guide, as the attached cd is next to useless.

The laptop I am using has windows 10 on it, I attempted to install the latest software version for Arduino. It seemed to install, then unzipped the files. First thing I noticed that there was no exec message come up after installation.

Then I plugged in the UNO R3, the power light came on, however the 'L' light keeps blinking even though no software has been loaded into the eprom of the UNO.

I have tried to reset, but it just defaults back to blinking. Its almost like the 'blink', program is already pre loaded into the UNO eprom?

Also after the wizard set up for the arduino, it did not prompt me for any drivers when the UNO was connected. I can only assume that the drivers come as part of the software download and are automatically loaded in when connected from the laptop?

I have tried another laptop, again the UNO just keeps flashing the 'L,' led.

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.



Many boards come with a Blink program loaded so you know the board is alive, something like:

void setup(){
pinMode (13, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
digitalWrite (13,  HIGH);
delay (500);
digitalWrite (13, LOW);
delay (500):

That gets written over the first time you load a sketch.

As for the installation, I don't know, I'm still using 1.0.6 from quite a while ago (Sept 2014 it seems), with FT232 drivers for an old Duemilanove I use for playing with sketches.

Thanks Crossroads,

I will try again and see what happens.
