Sunfounder Lab Starter Kit... Home of the undocumented sensor!

I got this kit for Christmas. I put it on my amazon list because... well... it was 37 sensors, most of which I've never used before, for a good price. It looked like a good opportunity to learn. What I didn't know was that the kit comes with no documentation. I also can't find any documentation through Sunfounder.

Ok... to be far, there was a single sheet of paper that had pictures of each sensor and a name. The name doesn't always seem to match up to what these sensors are normally called though! If anyone has a good resource on pin outs, wiring diagrams, and sketches for the "Sunfounder Lab Starter Kit - 37 in 1 Sensors kit for Arduino" I'd be forever grateful! So far I have the Joystick (2 potentiometers and a button) and most of the "Avoid" sensor (obstacle detector) figured out. The avoid has 2 potentiometers and an enable pin that I have yet to get completely figured out.

The point of getting this was to learn, and I am, but with some of these I'm really just stabbing in the dark and need some guidance. Until I find a good resource, I'll probably just post on here and get help from the community. Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give!

How about posting the paper and perhaps pics of the unknown devices?

I'll start with this, the product page on amazon! It has a bunch of pictures. There's also a link to projects and code and exactly what I'm looking for... But it doesn't work! It's at the bottom of the description.

Hi, try here and download the zip file. (and its a free download, and no junk pops up.)
It appears to have all the test sketches in it, including a PDF file.
Tom..... 8)

PS.I prefer not to deal with that Brazilian river company as their product info, this product a prime example, and their delivery prices makes me think that the dollar is 99% and the customer is 1%
That 1% drives the 99%, 99 for 1 return, good business sense but no customer relations.

I don't think they realize that even though they were one of the first big i-dealers that the concept has now got out to other more customer savvy businesses.
I find anything they sell I can buy elsewhere if I need it.
(Off my soapbox now)

(Off my soapbox now)

Please use the right tags 8)


[soapbox] I don't think they realize that even though they were one of the first big i-dealers that the concept has now got out to other more customer savvy businesses.
I find anything they sell I can buy elsewhere if I need it.[/soapbox]

Tom.... 8)


Hi, try here and download the zip file. (and its a free download, and no junk pops up.)
It appears to have all the test sketches in it, including a PDF file.
Tom..... 8)

Thank you for the info. This is actually the same link they provided on Amazon, but I tried it again anyway... and this time it worked!!!! Don't know what the issue was before, but I could never download the file. The documents contained in the zip appear to be helpful, but check this out... here's a little excerpt from the very first page...

DIY Maker 37 IN 1 sensor learning package is a highly cost-Learning Arduino sensor package
We carefully build for the beginners, in the whole learning process without welding and wiring, directly by plug 3P universal sensor cable, you can easily go to experience the fun of interactive sensing and electronic technology, in getting started.
Let us into a variety of interactive electronic world. . .

So now, it seems, my challenge is going to be decoding the meaning of the strange sentences in this document! Oh well, it's much better than nothing! Now... Let us into a variety of interactive electronic world!!!! :wink:

Hi, Jinglish.... not as bad as ;
"touching this wire will take you up to the eternal sky" in a manual for High power TV transmitter, late 1970's.

Tom.... :slight_smile:

I don't know if anyone is going to read this but I, too, received this magic box of 37-in-1 sensors. I have been slowly figuring out what the sensor do but I haven't found a "manual" for all of them... I get the Reed Sensor but where will I use it?

i received this box yesterday, and found the translation in the PDF file horrible.
So will make new one.
can anybody advice me to make diagrams of the units, i like fritzing, but always searching for other ones.
And yes i will make a pdf in english and will post it here, along with all the examples.

The point of getting this was to learn,

Indeed. You need to learn how to figure things out, from incomplete information. Is google broken, in your country ? Imagine how hard this all was, before the Internet was invented !

Just wanted to echo other's experiences with SunFounder.

No book, no dvd is included with this kit. By the time I found the 37-i.pdf mentioned in this thread, it didn't have the first project I was trying to build - an MQ2 gas sensor.

I'm returning my kit today, and plan on buying sensors individually that others have used on here in the past from now on. I suggest other's do the same to avoid time and frustrations.

Don't forget you can bring up the cached version of the site. The files that Sunfounder links to is still there.
Google's cached page of Sunfounder's download page

Personally I don't mind doing the digging. It's a great way to learn and the community is very helpful.