Super Noob - PIR Sensor Controlled LED Dot Matrix

I have zero experience with microcontrollers, so sorry in advance.

I am designing a product for a school project (I think I bit off more than I can chew). The product is a mailbox that turns on an 8x8 LED dot matrix control module when a PIR motion sensor is triggered. I would like the LED matrix to stay on until a reset button is pushed. The power source will be a 9V battery. I am using the Arduino UNO.

Can both of these components be used with one microcontroller and power it by using the 9V battery power source? I don't need the light to last long, just enough for a 10 min presentation.

8x8 LED Dot Matrix:

PIR Sensor:

Any help with this topic is much appreciated.

I am willing to pay for help on this project.

Can both of these components be used with one microcontroller and power it by using the 9V battery power source?

Yes it is very simple.

Just get the two bits of hardware working first. Search for using the MAX7219 chip, there are a few libraries that do this. The PIR sensor is even easier, connect to power and ground and the center to a pin. Then use the push button sketch in the examples section of the IDE.

Combine the two functions by using the "if" function.

Thank you sir!