hello, So I made the Super TV-B-Gone from makershed.com and I started thinking if there is a way to send pictures or messages to any t.v. wireless using the arduino uno.
I don't think so. If I remember well TV-B-Gone is a universal remote control for TV (created by the founder of the Hackerspace in USA). I don't think you can send any picture to a TV using the same principle.
TV B Gone is just low bandwidth IR (light.)
Pictures, Sound, Text implies that you are transmitting a signal via RF (or perhaps composite if you connect directly into the TV composite jack. The way the old Apples and TRS-80's did it.)
But transmitting to a TV via RF is frowned upon in U.S. by FCC and I would suspect other authorities in most countries.
But, the answer is yes. Search the forums for Arduino + TVout and then imagine that you added an RF transmitter to that signal. Dream about it, just don't implement.
alright cool, thanks. I dream too hard. So a RF transmitter and arduino should do the trick?