Superbly Unstable Joystick readings?

Any one know why that is? its not the code since all i did was read stick and took the first 10-20 readings and averaged them out.(link)

anyways, could it by my arduino mega board? i did it on the uno and i got it to stabalize, but every potentiometer value is unstable on the mega.

the mega i have: link

Post the code. I don't know what you think we can do without the code.

Post the schematic. I don't know what you think we can do without the schematic.

Post the output of the program. You call it unstable, but you give no numbers in relation to that. You show no data for us to see is it periodic or varying by this much or that much. I don't know what you think we can do without the data.

Do you just send a note to your doctor saying, "I don't feel so good today can you tell me what's wrong. I'm not coming in and I won't let you look at me and I won't give you any other details. But you must tell me now what's wrong."

the code is a normal analog read, i tired something simple slike that,i think its either the arduino mega or some power problwm. i tried to code n the uno and it was unstable but not to this degree. every time i run the loop, the joystick resting position is at another value (like 30-50 readings below or above the reading i saw b4)

Do you have stable power? Ie measure the 5V with a multimeter.
Is there any nearby source of interference?
Are you grounding the shield of the joystick cable (they would normally have a shield for this purpose)?

#include <SPI.h>                            //this librarys let microcontrollers communicate with each other quickly over short distances(MISO-send data to master from slave)(MOSI-send data from master to peripherals)(SCK-serial clock,clock pulses which synchronize data transmission generated by the master) 
#include <RF24.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>                       //UNO:  MOSI(pin11)MISO(pin12)SCK(pin13)(CE, CSN any pin)    
#include <printf.h>                         //MEGA: MOSI(pin51)MISO(pin50)SCK(pin52)(CE 9, CSN 53, or any pin)
#include <RF24_config.h>

//#include <LiquidCrystal.h>                  //LCD library:
#include <Wire.h>                         
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>              //LCD library:
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,20,4);           //setting display to 0x27 address; 20 columns, 4 rows;  UNO:SDA(A4)SCL(A5); MEGA:SDA(pin20)SCL(pin21)

#define leftStick_x     A0                      
#define leftStick_y     A1
#define rightStick_x    A3                     
#define rightStick_y    A2  
#define motorSpeed_Pot  A5
int left_sw  = 22;
int right_sw = 24;                               
int lifting_sw   = 44;                      //LIFTING  = 1 -> ACTIVATES leveling potentiometer  |  Change the pins of the first few switches
int throwing_sw  = 45;                      //THROWING = NEED MORE INFORMATION      
int climbing_sw  = 43;                      //CLIMBING = NO NEED?         
int hitting_sw   = 41;                      //HITTING  = 1 -> ACTIVATES level potentiometer         
int STOP_sw      = 14;                      //Emergency STOP; break switch for all motors; MOST IMPORTANT SWITCH! will give all ESCS neutral pulse (a stoping pulse basically)(is need if the joysticks go unstable while its running)
int levelUP_sw   = 15;
int levelDOWN_sw = 16;
const int sizeOfArray = 7;
int switchModeArray[] = {left_sw, right_sw, lifting_sw, throwing_sw, climbing_sw, hitting_sw, STOP_sw};
int buttonstateArray[sizeOfArray] = {};

#define CE_PIN   8
#define CSN_PIN  53
RF24 radio(CE_PIN, CSN_PIN);  
const uint64_t pipe = 0xE8E8F0F0E1LL;       
struct controllerData{                        
  byte rightESC_1;byte rightESC_2;byte rightESC_3;byte rightESC_4;byte rightESC_5;byte rightESC_6;//the right stick; up or down values 
  byte leftESC_1;byte leftESC_2;byte leftESC_3;byte leftESC_4;byte leftESC_5;byte leftESC_6;
  byte motorSpeed_Pot;
  bool levelUP_sw;
  bool levelDOWN_sw;
  bool left_sw;    
  bool right_sw;
  bool lifting_sw;
  bool throwing_sw;
  bool climbing_sw;
  bool hitting_sw;   
  bool STOP_sw;
}; controllerData data;

void setup(){
  radio.begin();                                      //Begin & Link The Radios
  lcd.init();                                         //initialize the lcd
  lcd.backlight();                                    //open the backlight   
  for (int i=0; i<sizeOfArray; i++){           
    pinMode(switchModeArray[i], INPUT);              //Connect all the switch pins to INPUT
  for (int i=0; i<sizeOfArray; i++){           
    pinMode(switchModeArray[i], INPUT_PULLUP);      //Active the pullup resistors, gives it a little bit more resistance,sometimes the arduino picks the switches as being pushed when u wave ur hand on top of the AtMEGA chip. this makes it so it hae to be be supplied with 5Volts/HIGH (being pushed) to register a 1
  //pinMode(leftStick_x, INPUT_PULLUP); 
  //pinMode(leftStick_y, INPUT_PULLUP); 
  //pinMode(rightStick_x, INPUT_PULLUP); 
  //pinMode(rightStick_y, INPUT_PULLUP);               

//This is a list of global variables needed to use the function i made called "smoothing(axis#,index#)"
//it will read and average the first "smoothingValue" it reads
#define amountToAverage 3                            //this is the amount we will read and keep averaging. 
#define x amountToAverage 
#define numOfSticks 6                                  //(leftx,lefty,rightx,righy) so 4 axises we need to measure, +the motor speed potentiometer and got room to add one more pot
const int smoothingValue[numOfSticks] = {x,x,x,x,x,x}; //one function to average all axis. 
int readings[numOfSticks][x]={};                       //2 dimentional array:1st index is the axis#(leftx,lefty,righx,righy); 2nd index says that we want the readings to be as big as the #s we want to average
int readIndex[numOfSticks] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};            //(leftx,lefty,rightx,right) will all be 0 (had to put 4 0s for 4 axis)
int total[numOfSticks] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};                //I didnt know how to set all the elements in an array to one value :/              
int average[numOfSticks] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};       
int smoothing(int stick, int index){                                       
  total[index] = total[index] - readings[index][readIndex[index]];        //Subtract the last reading
  readings[index][readIndex[index]] = stick;                              //read from the sensor, 
  total[index] = total[index] + readings[index][readIndex[index]];        //add the reading to the total:
  readIndex[index] = readIndex[index] + 1;                  // go to the next position in the array:
  if (readIndex[index] >= smoothingValue[index]) {          // if we are reaching the end of the array...
    readIndex[index] = 0;                            // ...go to the the beginning:
  average[index]= total[index] / smoothingValue[index];           // calculate the average:

void loop(){
  int left_x = analogRead(leftStick_x);   int right_x = analogRead(rightStick_x);         //read the uncalibrated stick
  int left_y = analogRead(leftStick_y);   int right_y = analogRead(rightStick_y);
  int leftStick_sw = digitalRead(leftStick_sw);int rightStick_sw = digitalRead(rightStick_sw);
  left_x = smoothing(left_x,0);                       //Joystick Calibration#1: Stabalize the inition readings
  left_y = smoothing(left_y,1);                       //use the index 0, values for left_x...1 for left_y...etc
  right_x = smoothing(right_x,2);
  right_y = smoothing(right_y,3);
  /////////////////////////////////////(Read All Switches: WHAT MODE IS IT IN?)/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfArray; i++)
    buttonstateArray[i] = digitalRead(switchModeArray[i]);        //read all the switchbuttons
  data.left_sw = buttonstateArray[0];                             //put them in the packet so we can send them out
  data.right_sw = buttonstateArray[1];
  data.lifting_sw =  buttonstateArray[2];
  data.throwing_sw = buttonstateArray[3];
  data.climbing_sw = buttonstateArray[4];
  data.hitting_sw =  buttonstateArray[5];    
  data.STOP_sw = buttonstateArray[6];
  Serial.print(data.lifting_sw);Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(data.throwing_sw);Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(data.climbing_sw);Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(data.hitting_sw);Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print("        "); 

    int testStick_LeftX  = isreverse(left_x, true);   
    int testStick_LeftY  = isreverse(left_y, false); 
    int testStick_RightX = isreverse(right_x, false); 
    int testStick_right = isreverse(right_y, true);
    Serial.print("testLeft x: ");         Serial.print(testStick_LeftX); 
    Serial.print("    testLeft y: ");     Serial.print(testStick_LeftY);
    Serial.print("    |     ");
    Serial.print("testRight x: ");        Serial.print(testStick_RightX);
    Serial.print("    testRight y:");     Serial.print(testStick_right);
    Serial.println("                             *TEST RUNNING*");
  //radio.write( &data, sizeof(unsigned long) );    //send all this data to the reciever 

that is the code, and i have uploaded my schematic on relay#2. below i have uploaded the readings of my 2 joysticks in rest day i will read the middle position at one value, and the next day its a value that is 10-20 values above or below.

when i press a button, some readings go up a little and some go down a little.

my multimeter reads the voltage to be above 4.9volts when all 4 switches r pressed and 5.04-5,05 volts when no switches r pressed.

Not sure why they wouldn't read the same day to day, at least they seem consistent within one run.

How are you powering all of this?

i plugged the arduino to the usb hub of my pc, the usb hub is powered from the wall. i really need the joystick to b accurate