Supersonic sensor help please

How to control a led with a supersonic sensor?

I planning to build this project but I Would like to control a led in this way:

the led is ON at the start but when a object is at 2cm it goes OFF for a 1 minute and then return to ON
I know that's something simple but I'm a beginner with the codes......
Thanks to all for the help...

Please explain your supersonic sensor. Do you have a link?


hi! thanks for help....the sensor is the HC-SR0$...........HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor on an Atmel ATtiny13 at

It came with the arduino seems interesting to work with it......

If you need more info just ask me....

Good Night


Ah! An ULTRA sonic, not supersonic!

There are many examples of this use on the forum. Do a search in the search box at the top of the page.


I'm sorry...Ultrasonic ;D I didn't find what I'm looking for....but that's ok...Thanks anyway! I need to study....
