First I'm sorry if I do not post this in the right forum section, but I'm new here.
We decided to support interesting new open source projects
so you can consider this offer when you make your next project.
if you have questions or suggestions we would love to hear, e-mail us directly or write here.
I'm sorry if it's not clear, but it's written on the web page that we do offer development board which to be used to complete the project.
No custom PCB prototypes, no sales of these projects afterward etc, all projects will be linked on this web page so there will be lot of exposure for the projects to the other peoples who are interested.
Please let me know if i can be of any further assistance if something else is not clear.
Note that this is idea in development i.e. many thing can change or develop further depend on the return feed back, but generally this was not decided with commercial realization in mind, i.e. peoples do open source projects anyway, we like this spirit and we want to help them with whatever we can. I wrote INTERESTING projects as I guess we will have lots of peoples who would like to blink LEDs with SAM9260 you know what I mean...
Custom PCBs and sales are something away from the first intention of this OSP initiative. I don't know how useful this would be for the peoples who make custom projects, as my experience says that one project go usually through many revisions until is done right and development board with processor and everything on it is more useful than one blank PCB.