Sure Electronics 8×32 LED Matrix displays and the ethernet shield

I've been looking at getting a few Sure Electronics 8×32 LED Matrix Displays and I'm not sure if it's possible to use them at the same time with an Ethernet Shield.

At least according to the HT1632-AVR library README, the pins required for the displays (pins 4—10) conflict with the pins that the ethernet shield uses (10, 11, 12, and 13).

So, is it possible to use both the displays and the ethernet shield simultaneously? If not, what alternatives do I have?

Other than power and ground, you only need 3 pins for one Sure 8x32 Matrix. And you can use any output pins. Some of the libraries are written where the pins should be on the same register, but you could use any of pins d2-d7 (PD2-PD7).


Looks like the only conflict is pin 10, which I am guessing is being used as the Slave Select for SPI pins 11-12-13.
So have one or the other use a different in place of pin 10.