Hello people,

i have an idea to automate my surface grinder machine in Z axis, i have practically all components for this but i dont have experience in programming.

I can put my stepper motor to rotate and some else simple examples on the net, but i need help for this project in programming.

Can anybody help me to make the program

SurfaceGrinder.pdf (478 KB)

Being able to rotate a stepper motor is important. Knowing when, and how much, to rotate it is equally important.

What will define when you need to rotate, and by how much?

The machine moves back and forth across the "Y" axis automatically. There is a second switch to make it increment along the "X" axis. He wants to make the machine lower the grinding head by (e.g.) .01mm after each pass along the Y to a full .1mm, then raise the head, increment along the X, then repeat. Kinda like a big Etch-a-Sketch and you're making the hole screen black.

It's a simple problem but creating an interface, driving the steppers, etc. is quite a lot for a newbie to take on.

Hi Chagrin,
that's right, you understood perfectly what i want to do.

however I will see if I can do some things to start this project code,

my programming knowledge is a bit poor :))

Someone who is more comfortable in programming can help me in this sketch?


Hi dimon_tare:
I'd like to help. I actually really enjoy working with machine tools (I have a small manual machine shop here) and I have years of automating electromechanical machinery with software.

Sounds like fun.
