switch blink Loop

Hi there

I just started with programming arduino UNO

i tried a few things

so i wanted to build something new

what i wanted to do is

i have a switch and 1 LED

with the switch i klick 1 time then release then the LED needed to Blink 5 times and stop till i push the switch

this is what i have

int buttonPin = 2;      // the number of the pushbutton pin
int ledPin =  13;       // the number of the LED pin
int ledOnTime=500;
int ledOffTime=500; 
int buttonState = 0;          // variable for reading button status

void setup() {
 pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);      // initialize LED pin as output 
 pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);    // initialize button pin as input 

void loop() {
 buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);   // read the button state

 if (buttonState == HIGH) {         // pushbutton is pressed.
   digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);      // turn LED on
 }  }

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Check out the Control Structures section of the reference, specifically "for" and "while".

To blink 5 times you would do something like this:

int blinkCount = 5;

void loop() {
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);   // read the button state

  for(int i=0; i < blinkCount; i++)
    if (buttonState == HIGH) {         // pushbutton is pressed.
      digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);      // turn LED on



This will blink as long as the button is held down, you will have to change it to wait for the button to be released once it is pressed.

i know how to blink it when button is pressed

but the problem is

i want to press button 1 time
then led blink 5 times

then press again for another 5 times blink

i want to press button 1 time
then led blink 5 times

When the button becomes pressed ** set a boolean variable to true and save the time from millis(). Each time through loop() check whether the variable is true. If it is then check whether the blink period has elapsed by subtracting the start millis() from millis() now. If the blink period has elapsed change the state of the LED (on to off or vice versa) and add 1 to the flash count***. If the LED has flashed 5 times then set the boolean variable to false to stop it flashing again.

**StateChangeDetection example in the IDE
*** BlinkWithoutDelay example in teh IDE