Switch ceiling light with attiny85

I am trying to generate a pulse with an attiny85.
Situation as follows:

Amplifier switches on, gives 5 volts on P2 of attiny
Amplifier switches off, 5 volts on P2 drops out.

Now I want P3 to have 1 pulse of 0.5 seconds, digitalwrite = HIGH, as soon as 5v comes on P2, and also 1 pulse of 0.5 seconds as soon as 5v drops out. This is to control a bc547 + relay.
This relay then switches the 433mhz remote control of my ceiling fan with lighting

I tried something myself, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
When attiny is switched on, the relay switches on and stays on regardless of input.
Someone who sees what I am doing wrong and can help me get the correct code?

My code:

// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int amplifierPin = 3;     // the number of the input pin
const int remotePin =  2;      // the number of the transistor pin

// variables will change:
int amplifierState = 0;         // variable for reading the input status

void setup() {
  // initialize the output pin as an output:
  pinMode(remotePin, OUTPUT);
  // initialize the input pin as an input:
  pinMode(amplifierPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // check if the amplifier is on:
  amplifierState = digitalRead(amplifierPin);

  // check if the amplifier is on. If it is, the amplifierState is HIGH:
  if (amplifierState == HIGH) {
    // pulse remote:
    digitalWrite(remotePin, HIGH);
    delay (500);}
  // check if the amplifier is off. If it is, the amplifierState is LOW:
  if (amplifierState == LOW) {
    // pulse remote
    digitalWrite(remotePin, HIGH);
    delay (500);}

You’re missing a digitalWrite(remotePin,LOW); after each delay(500);