Switch n-channel mosfet on/off with latching switch?

I have an 12v fan that i controll with Arduino Nano. It works, and when i turn it on/of in loop it turns on/off.

The transistor i have is an n channel logic level (FQP30N06L) resistor.

I want to turn it on/off with a pushbutton and program it to stay on/off after one push. I can,t understand how to do this. Is it possible?

Can someone show me an simple example how to so this please?

Connect the button to a pin, and Gnd.

byte buttonPin = x; // 2, for example
byte fanPin = y; // 3, for example
byte fanState = 0;  // status of fan

void setup(){
pinMode (buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (fanPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (fanPin, LOW); // turn it off
void loop(){
while (digitalRead (buttonPin == HIGH)){ // wait here until button is pressed
  // button is pressed, continue
   if ( fanState == 0){ // fan is off, button is pressed
   digitalWrite (fanPan, HIGH); // turn MOSFET on
   fanState = 1;
   if (fanState == 1){ // fan is off, button is pressed
   digitalWrite (fanPan, HIGH); // turn MOSFET on
   fanState = 0;
   delay (100);  // give the button a chance to settle

Didn't try compiling this

Thanks, i'm going to try this code. :slight_smile:

I have tried a wery similiar code and that turn the fan on the first time, but i could not switch it off when i pushed button second time.

Can you give me an wiring chema example please?

Connect the button to a pin, and Gnd.

Switch S3 in the image.

Connect the button to a pin, and Gnd.

byte buttonPin = x; // 2, for example

byte fanPin = y; // 3, for example
byte fanState = 0;  // status of fan

void setup(){
pinMode (buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (fanPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (fanPin, LOW); // turn it off
void loop(){
while (digitalRead (buttonPin == HIGH)){ // wait here until button is pressed
  // button is pressed, continue
  if ( fanState == 0){ // fan is off, button is pressed
  digitalWrite (fanPan, HIGH); // turn MOSFET on
  fanState = 1;
  if (fanState == 1){ // fan is off, button is pressed
  digitalWrite (fanPan, HIGH); // turn MOSFET on
  fanState = 0;
  delay (100);  // give the button a chance to settle

Didn't try compiling this

I tried this code (changes some typos ("fanPan") and added a last bracket) and the fan spinning but the button does nothing.

Here is my code:

byte buttonPin = 5; // 2, for example
byte fanPin = 4; // 3, for example
byte fanState = 0;  // status of fan

void setup(){
pinMode (buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode (fanPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (fanPin, LOW); // turn it off
void loop(){
while (digitalRead (buttonPin == HIGH)){ // wait here until button is pressed
  // button is pressed, continue
   if ( fanState == 0){ // fan is off, button is pressed
   digitalWrite (fanPin, HIGH); // turn MOSFET on
   fanState = 1;
   if (fanState == 1){ // fan is off, button is pressed
   digitalWrite (fanPin, HIGH); // turn MOSFET on
   fanState = 0;
   delay (100);  // give the button a chance to settle

I'd have gone for state change detection, with the logic reversed for the active low button, and have every press toggle fanState.

An little update here.

I finally get my fan switch on/off with push button. I made a little mistake when wiring. All works just fine now :slight_smile:

Thanks for all help :slight_smile:

To help the next person, maybe you should post your final code and a schematic.

Fwiw, here's how I coded it:

// https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=677648

  BASED ON State change detection (edge detection) changed for INPUT PULLUP
               (button wired from pin to ground)

// this constant won't change:
const int  button = 4;

// Variables will change:
bool buttonState;         // current state of the button
bool lastButtonState;     // previous state of the button
bool fanState = false;

void setup()
  // initialize serial communication:
  pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);

  //initialize button states
  buttonState = digitalRead(button);
  lastButtonState = buttonState;

  //turn builtin led off
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

  Serial.println(" ");
  Serial.print("fanState is starting as "); Serial.println(fanState);
  Serial.println("setup() done... press the button");
  Serial.println(" ");

void loop()
  // read the button:
  buttonState = digitalRead(button);

  // compare the buttonState to its previous state
  if (buttonState != lastButtonState) // != means not equal, so it changed one way or the other
    if (buttonState == LOW) //... and if it's now low, that's a press
      fanState = !fanState;
      Serial.print("New press, fanState is now "); Serial.println(fanState);
    }// change to low

    // Delay a little bit to avoid bouncing
  // save the current state as the last state, for next time through the loop
  lastButtonState = buttonState;

  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, fanState);

} //loop

Gives this output:

fanState is starting as 0
setup() done... press the button
New press, fanState is now 1
New press, fanState is now 0
New press, fanState is now 1
New press, fanState is now 0

Of course. i can post my code later today. But i does not have any schematic. Is there any good online tools for fast creating of schematic for beginners?

Is there any good online tools for fast creating of schematic for beginners?

Soft pencil or black Biro on paper and take pic with phone is as good a way as any....