Hi, Can you please help me with my code. I googled for a solution but could not find it. I do not have enough experience to solve this on my own.
I am writing a sketch to control a solar hot water system. The sketch is based on the Differduino sketch from Nateful. I am using an Arduino Uno. The sketch is to long to attach in full. I will attach the sections I think are relevant for you to be able to understand the issue and help.
Solar heating system overview:
the system has 30m2 of solar water collectors, a 4000l hot water storage tank, 3 water pumps, 5 solenoid on/off water valves and 7 temperature sensors. Based on the value of the temperature sensors the sketch has to start/stop the relevant pump/s and open and close the required valves.
There is a total of 9 different water circulation options possible such as (heating storage tank, heating pool, heating boiler etc.)
Problem with the sketch:
The sketch is working except that the solenoid valves are closing while the water is still flowing in the pipes causing a terrible loud bang I can hear throughout the house. I have to include a pump stop of about 5 seconds before triggering the valves to close in the code. I have tried various ways to do this but nothing has worked so far.
Existing sketch:
declaring Booleans to store circulation options (above void setup):
//variables used for control logic
static bool collectortanktoppossible;
static bool collectorgeyser1possible;
static bool collectorgeyser2possible;
static bool collectorpoolpossible;
static bool fireplacetanktoppossible;
static bool fireplacegeyser1possible;
static bool fireplacegeyser2possible;
static bool fireplacepoolpossible;
static bool tanktopgeyser1possible;
static bool tanktopgeyser2possible;
If else test to determine which circulating option is possible (in void loop). There is a total of 9 of these in the sketch:
// collector pump switching logic for collector/tanktop heating
if (tankbottomcollectorMaxed)
if (tankbottom < (tankbottomMax - tankbottomCooldown ) )
tankbottomcollectorMaxed =false;
if ( tankbottom > tankbottomMax )
tankbottomcollectorMaxed = true;
collectortanktoppossible = false;
if (!tankbottomcollectorMaxed)
if (collectortanktoppossible)
if ( (differentialcollectortankbottom < minDifferentialcollectortankbottom ) )
collectortanktoppossible = false;
if ( (differentialcollectortankbottom > setDifferentialcollectortankbottom ) )
collectortanktoppossible = true;
Pump and valve switching logic (in void loop). there is a total of 9 of these in the sketch:
// pump and valve switching logic for collector/tanktop heating
if (!collectorgeyser1possible && !collectorgeyser2possible && collectortanktoppossible && !(collectortanktoppossible && fireplacetanktoppossible))
digitalWrite (pumpfireplace, LOW);
digitalWrite (pumptank, LOW);
digitalWrite (pumpcollector, HIGH);
digitalWrite (valvegeyser1, LOW);
digitalWrite (valvegeyser2, LOW);
digitalWrite (valvetank, HIGH);
digitalWrite (valvepool, LOW);
digitalWrite (valvedrain, LOW);
My attempt of coding pump to stop 5 seconds before valve closes. I think there should be 9 of these. code does not work. Pump just switches on and of every 5 seconds:
//variables used for control logic pump slow down
static bool collectortanktoppossiblestate;
static bool lastcollectortanktoppossiblestate;
// pump and valve switching logic for pump slow down if collectortanktoppossible changes
// read collectortanktoppossible state
collectortanktoppossiblestate = collectortanktoppossible;
// compare the collectortanktoppossiblestate to its previous state
if (collectortanktoppossiblestate != lastcollectortanktoppossiblestate)
digitalWrite (pumpcollector, LOW);
digitalWrite (pumpfireplace, LOW);
digitalWrite (pumptank, LOW);
// save the current collectortanktoppossiblestate as the last state for the next time through the loop
collectortanktoppossiblestate = lastcollectortanktoppossiblestate;
Thanks for your help