Switch on/off and change between 30V and GND

Hello all,

I have a little hobby project where I need to be able to do 3 different things on one line/wire.
I want to be able to feed up to +30V, but also switch it to GND. And I also need to switch the wire off, basically disconnect it alltogether.

I am all new to this stuff and I'm here to learn. How would I go about this?
I'm thinking a MOSFET for the on/off stuff and then maybe some transistors?

Any wiring suggestion for those "some transistors"?

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A half H-bridge can do what you want.

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Sorry mate, I know to little about this to make an example myself.

Could you point me to some random google image of such schematic? That would be just enough for me to move forward and learn the rest.

I think you should use 2 SPDT relay

You can buy such cheap modules (motor drivers...). Circuit diagrams in the data sheets of the chips.

Hi, @Ballsack
Can you please tell us the application, what hardware does it involve and why you want to do a tri-state system.

Thanks.. Tom.. :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

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