Switched from Pro Micro 5v/16Mhz to 3,3v/8Mhz, and now my I2C magnetometer isn't working

Do I have to adjust something related to the frequency in the code ? I checked the wiring using a multimeter, and I'm pretty certain all my soldering is good.

I used an I2C scanner code, it doesn't find anything, even though it worked fine before I switched board.


You need to make sure that you I2C pull up resistors go to 3V3 now and not 5V.

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Thanks ! Could you point me to where I could learn how to do that ? I'm pretty new to this, I don't really know what that means x)

This is a good place to start reading about what an I2C interface is all about.

There are many more on line if you search for them.

Thanks, I'll read that. I didn't use any pull-up resistor before, do you think I'll have to add one now that I'm on a 3,3v board ?

I don't think you can be sure of that, because many times people not components but break out boards containing those components. You have not told us about your circuit in terms of a schematic so we can't be sure.

If you truly don't have pull up resistors anywhere, the the I2C protocol will not work at all.

There must have been pullups somewhere, or it never would have worked.

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