Hello guys, im new to this arduino thing and im really into it, so please bear with me
Im having a trouble figuring out how to do multiple infinite loops/while statements and being able to
switch between them using Serial Monitor
Like controlling 3 blinking leds, choosing which led should keep blinking while others are off
Lets say i have 3 leds named 1, 2 and 3
i want to type lets say 1 in serial monitor to make Led 1 start blinking infinitely while LED 2 and 1 are off
and while the led 1 is blinking i want to type 2 in serial monitor to stop led 1 from blinking and start led 2
to blink and so on, entering a number/word/letter should stop the current blinking led and start other led
blinking with the delays and the duty cycle i entered
I've been trying to figure this out for 12 straight hours
tried alot of ways and codes, searched everywhere, but still no luck
i've had many problems like all the leds starts blinking when i enter any led number in serial monitor or
the correct one starts blinking but can't switch to other led, and sometimes switching works but without
loop/blinking, they just blink once when i enter their number
I hope this thing is actually possible because after all the attempts i've done i started to think like "is this even possible with arduino"