Switching inductive distance sensors 24V

Hello dear Community,

I´m trying to use three inductive distance sensors which need a supply voltage of 24V DC (20 mA). I´m reading the output, which is a current between 4 and 20 mA, with the ADC inputs that lie in parallel to 247 Ohm. As the sensors are inductive, they influence each others meassurings enormously, if they take their meassures parallely. So my idea is to just switch them with a typical transistorcircuit (for inductances like motors) over a digital output like so:


Is there an easier way though? I don´t have much space left on my board, and a separate circuit for every sensor would take a lot of it.

PS: I´m not even shure if I need to keep an eye on the inductance as I dont know about the internal circuit, cause there is no diagram of it in the datasheet:

Since they are inductive distance sensors, how would you use them without constant watching? If you turn them off, will you have to retrain the internal circuitry?

inductive prox sensors aren't an inductive load. they contain a transistor oscillator circuit. Any simple switching circuit can safely turn them on and off.

if you switch the high side they can even share a load resistor.

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