switching screen using moodulo

Sorry in advance if this has already been discussed before but I couldn't find anything online about it and I'm struggling.

So I have an OLED screen on which I want to display informations, but it's too little to display every information at once so I want to have multiple "screens" with informations, switching every 3 seconds for example, and I think using modulos would work well for this.
To simplify the problem I started by trying to print "1", then "2", then "3", in the serial monitor, for 3 seconds each. It doesn't work and just switches numbers every millisecond I think. Here's my code:

void setup() {


  unsigned long millis();
  int Time = millis();                       // variable counting time


void loop () {  

  int Time = millis();

if (0 <= Time%9000 <= 2999) {

if (3000 <= Time%9000 <= 5999) {

if (6000 <= Time%9000 <= 8999) {
if (3000 <= Time%9000 <= 5999) {

You cannot do a comparison low that. The comparisons must be separate.

if (Time%9000 >= 3000 &&  Time%9000 <= 5999) {

What groundFungus said (except that low should be like).

Also, these lines accomplish nothing:

  unsigned long millis();
  int Time = millis();                       // variable counting time

and this (inside the loop() function) will eventually get you into trouble:

  int Time = millis();

and should be more like this:

  unsigned long Time = millis();

ohhh right, thank you so much! I believe I should be able to get it to work now!