System stalls on sending and receiving data


I am running a datalogging program I wrote on Arduino and Processing forgive me if I cant share it because of IP.
In one section of the code, Processing is sending data to arduino. Arduino copies the data, adds 3 more data to it and sends all back for the processing to check them. This send and receive happens very fast.
This code works beautifully on a 2.2GHz Quad core computer, but it sometimes stalls on a 600MHz computer (I know its old).
My questions is that is there any limitation on the computer speed running the processing program?


What sort of protocol does the data exchange use ?
Within reason the speed of the computer should make no difference if the protocol used is robust but it will if it relies on timing rather than data start/stop indicators for instance.

If you cannot share the code then it is going to be very difficult to provide help.

Hi and thank for the reply,

So the protocol is something like this:
The arduino is waiting on serial port and wants to receive 4 integers.
The processing sends these integers.
Arduino gets them. Arduino samples 3 sensors and sends all the received data and sensor data back with new line character at the end (println)
serial event gets activated by the new line character ( serial.bufferuntil(\n); ) and reads everything in the serial port. This data gets broken up into pieces and gets checked against the original data that was sent. processing will then send a 'N' character and waits for 1 second.
Arduino receives this 'N' and the whole thing repeats over and over...

The system usually stalls on the slower computer (600MHz)... I dont know WHY???


Regardless of whether you can share the full project, it would be a good idea to create a test project that contained the minimal code necessary to demonstrate the problem. It may well be that the simple act of creating this will enable you to spot the problem for yourself, and in any case it reduces the amount of irrelevant code that we need to wade through. From your problem description, I don't see why you would need to include any commercially sensitive code in order to demonstrate it.

The system usually stalls on the slower computer (600MHz)..

USUALLY . Do you mean it stalls regardless of which PC you use?

I don't like the sound of your use of serial event. As peterH says you must post your arduino code if you want any more help!
