I was very impressed with this custom Beat707 design that I decided to share with you guys!! From what I heard this is open-source, but I don't know yet. The software is open-source.
I was very impressed with this custom Beat707 design that I decided to share with you guys!! From what I heard this is open-source, but I don't know yet. The software is open-source.
Aside from the OP context:
As far as I understood until now, since there are double postings on the Audio category here from William and Beat707, understanding that he's wusik designer, I felt this was the same guy with double accounts.
So this thread looks like a "double add" push to me.
Especially when looking at this :
Postby Beat707 ยป Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:15 pm
Someone posted about this over the Arduino Audio forum.http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,97088.0.html
Is'nt the "Beat707" admin supposed to know who this "someone" is by essence?
Looks odd to me.
Suspicious you are, eh?
I'm the coder in the Beat707 and also the forum admin, I just write like that as it sounded ok, nothing more than that.
Anyway, I didn't double post, I found about this custom design and wanted to post here as its just very cool! Simple as that. Plus, I don't get a cent from doing this, just wanted to share the love around, as our software is fully open-source.
Now, anything else you need to know? Otherwise, lets talk about this guy's design, its just very cool!
And the next Level !
Oh, it looks GREAT! Nice usage of the flat cables. 8)
Think we have to call the world book of records for the largest Arduino shield ever
Merci !
and I think I also fighting record of aspirin