hey plz help me here i am trying to make talking calculator.
i have made calculator by using Arduino UNO but i cant understand how to get voice in arduino i mean i am making talking calculator, which means it can give answer and when any number or key is pressed it makes sound like '' ONE PLUS ONE'' and in answer it will makes sound like IT IS EQUALS TWO.
so here i have question that how can i make this type of sond in arduino any one can help me plz plz pzl
You have to do better than that, what is not working?
Is it silent or producing sounds but not words?
Your code or the example code that comes with the library?
Is it compiling?
Is it loading?
How have you got it wired up to your amplifier?
plz help me i am using Cytron Easy MP3 shield.
so some one help how can i configure this shield with 4*4 matrix keypad. and i needed code for it plz help if there is any IT or SOFTWARE engineer i am not from this branch so i dont have any experience about it.
Am I to gather that you have not got any code and your idea of help is for some one to write the code for you?
If so that is not what we do round here. We help you by pointing out your mistakes or telling what you need to do, not doing it for you. We want to help you learn.
Start off by using the example in the key matrix libiary to read the key pad and print it out to the serial port. Then extend this by triggering a sound on your MP3 player, again by using the code in the examples given in the library for your module.
I see that the moderators have moved this post into another section. This is were you ask people to do things for you. You are expected to say how much you are willing to pay.
If that is beyond you then you have to,learn about the fundamentals of writing code. Go through the examples in the IDE, study them and make alterations and predict what will happen.