I want to make an RC vehicle with tank steering but I haven´t any idea how to Program it because I have just started learning programing. so that it actual is working with some kind of slide mechanism so I can control the speed. I have planed to use a NRF24L01 transceiver-module and two motors which require both 12 V.
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You will will have to explain "tank steering" to those of us who have never steered a tank. What kind of tank?
So, two slide-pots, one for each side? Or did you want to use a single joystick for speed and steering? Or some other arrangement of knobs, sliders, switches, or joysticks? Be more specific.
I think you want to use two motor Controller so you can vary the speed of each motor individually .
As you are starting just look at controlling a single motor to start .
Avoid mechanical sliders !
2 slide-pots 1 for each chain
whit tank steering i mean the kind of steering which is used for Excavators as well.
They have either a clutch for each side or a differential supplying power to each side with brakes to slow one side and speed up the opposite side.
Ones with a hydraulic motor for each side can regulate the flow to cause one side to go faster or slower, or even reverse direction of one motor or the other or both.
Easy! Read the two pots like any other pot (analogRead(pin)) and send the two numbers to the vehicle. In the vehicle, use the two numbers to control the speed and direction of the drive motors. For DC motors, use H-Bridge drivers.
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