TB6612fng burning pins

Hello , i have a dumb question , can the tb6612fng burn arduino portenta H7 pins ? I have tried to connect 6x6v motors using 3 of this boards , with external power supply for motors a 7.4 v battery . Arduino is connected from the computer at the moment . Wiring is ok , i have tested all of the grounds with voltage meeter and they are connected , wiring seems ok , but here is where the weird part starts . If i run the basic command to move a motor in a separate sketch , the motor works , if i try to move all of them at the same time they won't move . But the super weird part is even if i write a code to run the motors 1 by 1 with delays between them , they still won't work , and today when i wanted to try again i see that some of the pins on the board won't stay to HIGH when put from soft and others are always HIGH even if i try to write them LOW , has anyone had this happen this specific board ?

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