hi guys im new to arduino and im not that good at electronics,
for my colg project, I am suppose to make a robot (a modified rc car) that can detect the color and move based on it,
I recently bought a TCS230 RGB color sensor and I found a working code for it from the web(don't know from where I got it though )
ok so I tried running the code and was able to get some reliable readings , but when I try to give a command to a servo to turn to a specific angle based on the color value obtained nothing works the servo acts on its own, it keeps turning in one direction and gets stuck there, I tried using the same code but instead of doing something with servo I send the required servo angle to my serial monitor and im able to get it
lets say I want the motor to turn 40degree when I get a reading of R 800, G 700, B 500
ie when i have a total reading of <2000 i want the servo to turn to 0
and when I have a total of 4000+ I want my servo to turn to 180
everything works except servo.
I read somewhere that its coz of the timer1 interrupt , since it is used for the color sensor, I don't know how to get the readings from the TCS230 without interrupts, im using a code that I found on the net, and when I tried using normal ATD to get the readings im getting unreliable ,highly fluctuating readings, can some one tell me how I can use the servo with the TCS230? or a way to get readings from TCS230 without timer1 interrupts, im running low on time , any help at the earliest would be greatly appreciated ..
#include <TimerOne.h>
#define S0Â Â 6
#define S1Â Â 5
#define S2Â Â 4
#define S3Â Â 3
#define OUTÂ Â 2
int g_count = 0;  // count the frequecy
int g_array[3];  // store the RGB value
int g_flag = 0;  // filter of RGB queue
float g_SF[3];Â Â Â Â // save the RGB Scale factor
// Init TSC230 and setting Frequency.
void TSC_Init()
 pinMode(S0, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(S1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(OUT, INPUT);
 digitalWrite(S0, LOW); // OUTPUT FREQUENCY SCALING 2%
 digitalWrite(S1, HIGH);
// Select the filter color
void TSC_FilterColor(int Level01, int Level02)
 if(Level01 != 0)
  Level01 = HIGH;
 if(Level02 != 0)
  Level02 = HIGH;
 digitalWrite(S2, Level01);
 digitalWrite(S3, Level02);
void TSC_Count()
 g_count ++ ;
void TSC_Callback()
  case 0:
    Serial.println("->WB Start");
    TSC_WB(LOW, LOW);       //Filter without Red
  case 1:
    Serial.print("->Frequency R=");
    g_array[0] = g_count;
    TSC_WB(HIGH, HIGH);      //Filter without Green
  case 2:
    Serial.print("->Frequency G=");
    g_array[1] = g_count;
    TSC_WB(LOW, HIGH);      //Filter without Blue
  case 3:
    Serial.print("->Frequency B=");
    Serial.println("->WB End");
    g_array[2] = g_count;
    TSC_WB(HIGH, LOW);      //Clear(no filter)Â
    g_count = 0;
void TSC_WB(int Level0, int Level1)Â Â Â //White Balance
 g_count = 0;
 g_flag ++;
 TSC_FilterColor(Level0, Level1);
 Timer1.setPeriod(1000000);      // set 1s period
void setup()
 Timer1.initialize();      // defaulte is 1s
 attachInterrupt(0, TSC_Count, RISING);Â
 for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
 g_SF[0] = 255.0/ g_array[0];  //R Scale factor
 g_SF[1] = 255.0/ g_array[1] ;  //G Scale factor
 g_SF[2] = 255.0/ g_array[2] ;  //B Scale factor
void loop()
 g_flag = 0;
 for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
  Serial.println(int(g_array[i] * g_SF[i]));