Hi all,
I am doing a project that is using Arduino UNO R3 and dfrobot TCS3200. The objective of this project is to able to display the detected color and RGB values to a GUI created with Python.
I have followed the guide from "dronebotworkshop" for the calibration. I fixed the sensors to the top of an enclosed cover and calibrated them by recording the lowest value of white paper and the highest value of black paper.
I have faced 2 issues with this:
- The RGB value of some detected objects will go below 0 or above 255 even though I have fixed the min and max values to 0 and 255 (For example, scanning yellow paper will shoot the RGB values to 265,240,185)
I am unable to constraint the values to 0 and 255 as it will give me funny numbers appreciate if someone can guide me on this.
Below is my code:
// Define color sensor pins
#define S0 4
#define S1 5
#define S2 6
#define S3 7
#define sensorOut 8
// Calibration Values
// Get these from Calibration Sketch
int redMin = 43; // Red minimum value
int redMax = 323; // Red maximum value
int greenMin = 36; // Green minimum value
int greenMax = 351; // Green maximum value
int blueMin = 28; // Blue minimum value
int blueMax = 250; // Blue maximum value
// Variables for Color Pulse Width Measurements
int redPW = 0;
int greenPW = 0;
int bluePW = 0;
// Variables for final Color values
int redValue;
int greenValue;
int blueValue;
void setup() {
// Set S0 - S3 as outputs
pinMode(S0, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(S3, OUTPUT);
// Set Sensor output as input
pinMode(sensorOut, INPUT);
// Set Frequency scaling to 20%
// Setup Serial Monitor
void loop() {
// Read Red value
redPW = getRedPW();
// Map to value from 0-255
redValue = map(redPW, redMin,redMax,255,0);
// Delay to stabilize sensor
// Read Green value
greenPW = getGreenPW();
// Map to value from 0-255
greenValue = map(greenPW, greenMin,greenMax,255,0);
// Delay to stabilize sensor
// Read Blue value
bluePW = getBluePW();
// Map to value from 0-255
blueValue = map(bluePW, blueMin,blueMax,255,0);
// Delay to stabilize sensor
// Print output to Serial Monitor
// Function to read Red Pulse Widths
int getRedPW() {
// Set sensor to read Red only
// Define integer to represent Pulse Width
int PW;
// Read the output Pulse Width
PW = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Return the value
return PW;
// Function to read Green Pulse Widths
int getGreenPW() {
// Set sensor to read Green only
// Define integer to represent Pulse Width
int PW;
// Read the output Pulse Width
PW = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Return the value
return PW;
// Function to read Blue Pulse Widths
int getBluePW() {
// Set sensor to read Blue only
// Define integer to represent Pulse Width
int PW;
// Read the output Pulse Width
PW = pulseIn(sensorOut, LOW);
// Return the value
return PW;